Luis Espada knows how to fly “beneath the radar.” His soft-spoken, quiet nature does not draw immediate attention. But he is the perfect example of why it is so vital to take the time to get to know our “quiet” members.

Because when you get to know Luis you discover what a fine human being he is. I learned this first-hand two years ago when running the LA River Run. After running 35 miles I was ready to call it a day. I thought to myself, “There will always be next year.” But then Luis suddenly appeared at my side. And he remained at my side until I finished the 54 mile run. We passed the miles talking about everything under the sun (literally and figuratively).

We shared personal stories that only seem to come to the surface when you are running long distances with someone you trust and feel comfortable with. Luis is both of those things – and more. He is always more concerned about the well-being of other runners than setting a PR.

If someone is struggling, you can count on him to be at your side. And you can always count on him to be carefully listening to what you have to say. He is one of the least selfish people I have ever met. I encourage all of our runners to log some miles alongside of Luis. I guarantee you will feel uplifted and grateful.


Judge Craig Mitchell

More about Luis …

Luis is a runner who joined the Skid Row Running Club in the last 18 months. Originally from Florida, Luis graduated from college there with a degree in acting. However, after college, and saddled with mounting student debt, he began having some issues with drugs and alcohol.

In order to start anew, Luis traveled all the way out to California to try to pursue acting as a career. Unfortunately, he came out towards the end of the pandemic and beginning of the writer’s strike. Unable to find work, and with no income to afford a place to stay, Luis found himself on the verge of homelessness. 

So, he called the LA County 211 hotline for assistance, and they referred him to the Midnight Mission, where he currently lives.

While at the Midnight Mission, Luis discovered the Skid Row Running Club. While he was never a runner and never considered himself an athlete, he decided to give the club a try. Even though he is neither the strongest nor fastest runner, Luis always shows up to run and consistently finishes. He has completed several races.

More importantly, when the club needs volunteers for any events, he is always first to raise his hand. He believes in paying forward the kindness that he has received.

Luis doesn’t talk much, but he never stays away from conversations. He is constantly curious and seeks out answers to improve himself. Last year, when the club arranged a Visit to JPL/NASA, he participated in the all-day event guided by his curiosity of our universe.

Luis is currently back in college to learn new skills to help improve his future employment prospects.

Luis is a great representative of what our club is about and always brings a cheerful attitude.


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